
Image of a colorful parrot

Good Poets You’ve (Probably) Never Read, Part I: Buckram and Burning Birds

Everyone has them—the books that we loved that got only cursory critical attention, if any.  The friends who managed to get the books finally, finally into print, only to hear a few grains of sand shifting in the long silence as they drive to the liquor store to buy themselves the only champagne that will…

Photo of a lake reflecting an orange and blue sky


Mood: a predominant emotion; disposition; a conscious state of mind. Etymologically, “mood” at its root is anger, anger and its sometime sidekick, courage, though, the book cautions us, mood’s ultimate origin is unknown.  Because who can really say where a mood comes from?  Construction on the freeway wastes an hour of my time, now I’m…

Photo of a brown pitfall sitting on the street

The Pit Bull

It feels as though every posting starts somewhere else, and this is no exception.  I’ve been reading one of Angela’s “Why I Reread…” postings, in the midst of state and federal budget cuts which, far from rereading much of anything, seem designed to keep the world from reading most texts even once.  As in most…

Photo of the night sky with thousands of stars

Facing Night

What reaches for the sun.  What turns green panes flat to the zenith.  A green order in the bay window, quatrefoil.  Egg-toothed cotyledon. ~ There’s something to know and it can’t be known and I have to know it.  It wakes me up in the morning, shivers me through the day.  My soul fleeth unto…

Photo of graffiti on concrete wall reading "Fight Sexism"


What is sexism, exactly?  What is sexist writing? Like Justice Potter Stewart, we are pretty sure we know it when we see it.  And, indeed, some of it is easy to see.  Women persistently denied interiority, animalized, simplified, fetishized, objectified.  Women sadistically sexualized and demeaned.  Women presented positively in passive roles, negatively in active.  Women…