
It’s All In the Voicing

It’s All In the Voicing

It’s the time-in-a-place, couldn’t-have-happened-any-other-way moments we keep close like the pillars of our personal pantheons that create lives out of impulsive decisions, unfortunate situations, and well-timed placement. It’s the first times that are finales to culminated forces – sometimes well planned, sometimes purely by chance – and the beginnings of incidences serendipitous. It’s the inspired inspiring, the lives of the lost losing themselves to be found, the findings aligning for the world to read, watch, listen.

Big Picture, Small Picture: Context for J.M. Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians

Big Picture, Small Picture: Context for J.M. Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians

On October 26, South African author J.M. Coetzee’s novel Waiting for the Barbarians is published. The unnamed narrator, an imperial magistrate stationed in a colonial settlement on the outskirts of the unspecified “Empire,” enjoys the languorous ease of his privileged position.

Sci-Fi Suggests That We Can’t Run Away From Our Problems, Even If We Go to Space

Sci-Fi Suggests That We Can’t Run Away From Our Problems, Even If We Go to Space

Last week, Elon Musk shared SpaceX’s vision to put humans on Mars and eventually start a colony. Colonizing Mars is an appealing idea, especially among those, such as Stephen Hawking, who believe our future as a species relies on our ability to become interplanetary. In science fiction, off-Earth colonies often have disheartening results.