
“Ghosts Usually Accompany Me through My Poems”: An Interview with Diane Seuss

“Ghosts Usually Accompany Me through My Poems”: An Interview with Diane Seuss

Words just seem to have more possibilities in the poems of Diane Seuss. They become more flexible, more magnetic, attracting and accumulating meaning and music in a speedy rush to surprise, a hard-won clarity about what it’s like to be here, be human. Diane is the author of three books of poetry: Four-Legged Girl (Graywolf…

The Ploughshares Round-Down: Three Things Writers Can Learn From Solange and Jay Z

The Ploughshares Round-Down: Three Things Writers Can Learn From Solange and Jay Z

Between Jill Abramson’s indecorous firing and Amazon’s ongoing vendetta against Hachette, the publishing world gave me a lot of potential topics for the Ploughshares Round-Down this week, which I’m covering for Tasha Golden while she takes some well-earned time off. And yet there’s another, completely non-publishing-related story that I feel compelled to discuss instead, about which…

The Books We Teach #8: Interview with Rick Moody

The Books We Teach #8: Interview with Rick Moody

Rick Moody is author of the novels The Four Fingers of Death, The Ice Storm, Purple America, The Diviner, and Garden State, which won the Pushcart Press Editors’ Book Award. He is also the author of two collections of stories, The Ring of Brightest Angels Around Heaven and Demonology, as well as a memoir, The Black Veil, winner…