Ada Limon

Bullets into Bells: Gun Violence and the Nuance of Suffering

Bullets into Bells: Gun Violence and the Nuance of Suffering

Days before the fifth anniversary of the shooting at Newtown’s Sandy Hook Elementary school, Beacon Press published Bullets into Bells, an anthology of poetry and prose responding to gun violence. While one might argue such a collection runs the risk of poeticizing violence, it succeeds in quite the opposite.

Deliberate Accidents of Discovery: The Trouble With Finding New Latina/o Writers

Deliberate Accidents of Discovery: The Trouble With Finding New Latina/o Writers

In an exercise of radical honesty I’ll share this with you: I almost always find great new Latina/o writing by accident. I think part of this is my pell-mell strategy of finding new books (at literary events, on coffee tables, etc.) though part of it can be attributed to my literary blind spots as well…