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The Best Poem I Read This Month: Sarah Sgro’s “Body as a Plant Expanding”

  I’ve read Sarah Sgro’s poetry for about four years, and remain a consistent witness to its various evolutions and concentrations concerning femininity, food, sexuality, and waste. In the past year, Sgro’s work has flourished, wreaked havoc, and run amok through many journals. Because her pieces keep sharpening their knives, it can prove difficult to…

Writing the Body: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Maggie Nelson, & Lidia Yuknavitch

Writing the Body: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Maggie Nelson, & Lidia Yuknavitch

The age of media and internet is one of fractal, ephemeral bodies—well-curated images of the self from certain angles and frozen in time, dust-coated corpses at the aftermath of a quake that provide little context, statistics and numbers that break down how many and what ages and when, yet provide little to no feeling. The…