Breaking Bad

Netflix’s ANNE Bridges the Divide Between Us and Our Childhood Dreams

Netflix’s ANNE Bridges the Divide Between Us and Our Childhood Dreams

The ways in which Anne, the mercurial, earnest girl at the center of the story lived, learned, grew, and blundered her way through life resonated with me, a perennial outsider and dreamer, wounded by things that, like Anne’s cruel treatment at the hands of the Hammonds and the orphanage asylum, lurked in the corners of things—never forgotten, but making the joys of a safe refuge all the more poignant, warm, and vital.

Do-Overs: The Bad Guy Has a Moment

Do-Overs: The Bad Guy Has a Moment

Complicated bad guys are nothing new. There’s something delicious about complex entertainment; we’re able to envision ourselves in the shoes of the antihero and exact revenge or serve righteous justice, but we’re also able to vicariously live through their actions that lie outside the boundaries of acceptable behavior. When it comes to our villains, we…

Episodia 2.4: Lessons in Creativity from “Mad Men”

Episodia 2.4: Lessons in Creativity from “Mad Men”

Tonight the seventh and final season of “Mad Men” premieres on AMC. I’ve loved this show and the slow, magnetic swirl of 1960s Manhattan ever since the episode “Babylon” aired in 2007. The entire series might be considered in terms of the opening credits we’ve all grown familiar with: a man in a suit-silhouette of…