Carl Jung

Cartoons & Archetypes: How They Work and What to Know

Cartoons & Archetypes: How They Work and What to Know

I learned about character development not by studying it, but by understanding the nature of cartoons. I spent years sculpting superheroes and cartoon characters for DC Comics, Nickelodeon, Pixar, and others. Although the perception is changing, the art world considers cartooning of all kinds to be a distant, lesser cousin to the fine arts, painting…

The Long Shadow Cast by Lily Bart’s Cosmetic Morality

The Long Shadow Cast by Lily Bart’s Cosmetic Morality

Lily Bart is nothing if not a master of self-denial, supremely talented at self-deception and shameless rationalization, which inevitably bleeds into her distinctive brand of morality. At the beginning of House of Mirth, Wharton is careful to clarify that Lily is not “scrupulous” in the traditional sense, but that she maintains the illusion of moral…