Christopher Soto

Bullets into Bells: Gun Violence and the Nuance of Suffering

Bullets into Bells: Gun Violence and the Nuance of Suffering

Days before the fifth anniversary of the shooting at Newtown’s Sandy Hook Elementary school, Beacon Press published Bullets into Bells, an anthology of poetry and prose responding to gun violence. While one might argue such a collection runs the risk of poeticizing violence, it succeeds in quite the opposite.

Review: SAD GIRL POEMS by Christopher Soto

Review: SAD GIRL POEMS by Christopher Soto

This collection’s jacked up heart beats in its final piece, “Hatred of Happiness.” “Hatred of Happiness” rejects and buries practically every trope proposed by the mainstream LGBTQ movement. Gone are the banners calling for marriage equality and positive representations of gay life. Gone is the assertion that “we are just like you.”