Claudia Emerson

The Silence Waits, Wild To Be Broken: Posthumous Publications and the Lives of Poems

The Silence Waits, Wild To Be Broken: Posthumous Publications and the Lives of Poems

My role on the uncollected was simple: as a third-year grad student in Virginia Commonwealth University’s MFA program, I was to go to the Levis Archives held at VCU’s Cabell Library and check old xeroxes against the holdings to make sure these were the last drafts of the poems. The archives are messy, as Levis seldom dated drafts or filed them in any kind of discernible order.

L’Appel du Vide: On Visual Caesuras and Erasure

L’Appel du Vide: On Visual Caesuras and Erasure

I take the five students of my poetry micro-workshop outside to discuss Claudia Emerson’s latest collection Impossible Bottle. As we sit in the sun, bending over the brilliant bright book pages, a student points to the poem “Metastasis: Web” and volunteers to read it aloud before our analysis of the author’s craft choices. You—join us….

Round-Down: Is Evaluating Great Literature A Democratic or Elitist Prospect?

With many year-end best of 2014 book lists pouring out on the tail end of the National Book Award announcements last month, as well as with prize nominations opening up this month for the Pulitzers, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about literary merit prizes and how they influence the public’s opinion on what’s worth…