Donald Trump

Anticipating the State of Literature Under Trump: What to Look For

Anticipating the State of Literature Under Trump: What to Look For

After an outpouring of reflections on the “literary presidency” of Barack Obama, the writers began to resist Donald Trump before he raised his hand in oath. But in this anxious moment, what should a writer or reader look for from the next administration? Are there signposts in the dark forest, markers on the trail?

Plurality Trumps Homogeneity: Listening to Different Voices Makes Us Great Again

Plurality Trumps Homogeneity: Listening to Different Voices Makes Us Great Again

From its bloody beginnings to its glorious establishment, America has always been a country of immigrants, of diverse groups, of different skin tones and dialects, of the tired and poor. What made America great, and what could make America great again, is this multitudinous quality, this possibility, this richness of variety.

Baltimore School Students Write in Protest and Celebration

Baltimore School Students Write in Protest and Celebration

Writers in Baltimore Schools, the creative writing organization I run for Baltimore youth, has developed a protocol for mobilizing safe spaces for writing after trauma. We were unfortunately ready when Donald Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States. On Thursday, fifteen of us gathered to write in protest.