Dorothea Lasky

Serious Subjects

Serious Subjects

I learned that I could respond to poetry with a thousand times a thousand micro-emotions. I soon began to wonder what I even meant by “serious” poetry, and what constituted a poem’s artfulness. I reflected upon the fact that those initial ideas were narrow, even elitist, and they are ultimately limiting to both poets and readers.

“If I could I would cut off my lovers’ heads” : Eunice De Souza’s Nine Indian Women Poets
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“If I could I would cut off my lovers’ heads” : Eunice De Souza’s Nine Indian Women Poets

“Anthologists invariably make enemies,” Eunice De Souza notes in her introduction to Nine Indian Women Poets. This anthology is unlike most anthologies, as De Souza takes up her editorial role to rally against universality, mapmaking, and flattery. De Souza isn’t seeking to make enemies, but she realizes that all choices for anthologies suggest other choices:…