Drunken Boat

“I was a house / I was a witch” : Muriel Leung’s “A House Fell Down on All of Us.”
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“I was a house / I was a witch” : Muriel Leung’s “A House Fell Down on All of Us.”

“I was a house. / I was a witch” declares the middle stanza of Muriel Leung’s “A House Fell Down on All of Us” from the newest issue of DRUNKEN BOAT. This poem, in my reading, functions to present intermingling transformations that perform whatever an opposite of distillation forecloses.

“Poets should always take public transportation”: An Interview with Maureen Thorson
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“Poets should always take public transportation”: An Interview with Maureen Thorson

In her second book of poems, My Resignation, Maureen Thorson immerses us in the story of two people figuring out how to start a new life together. Her poems are finely textured, moving, and often humorous. She has a keen appreciation for the quirky natural detail or odd snippet of conversation that perfectly captures a…