fairy tales

The Fairytale Redux: On Patrick deWitt’s “Undermajordomo Minor”

The Fairytale Redux: On Patrick deWitt’s “Undermajordomo Minor”

The last thing the world needs is another reimagining of the fairy tale. It has been done from every angle: straightforward, post-modern, and (yawn) from the villain’s perspective. So it was with some wariness that I approached Patrick deWitt’s new novel, Undermajordomo Minor, a fairy tale of sorts that follows young Lucien “Lucy” Minor as…


The Best Short Story I Read in a Lit Mag This Week: “Rain” by Ben Loory

In her essay, “Fairy Tale is Form, Form is Fairy Tale,” (from The Writer’s Notebook, Tin House Books) Kate Bernheimer discusses how the psychological flatness of characters in tales and fables “allows depth of response in the reader.” In Ben Loory’s “Rain” (Journal of Compressed Creative Arts), we’re given almost no access to the character’s…