flash fiction


The Best Short Story I Read in a Lit Mag This Week: “Shifts” by Dan Reiter

  Aldous Huxley once wrote, “There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.” In Dan Reiter’s “Shifts” (WhiskeyPaper), we’re introduced to a character in conflict over how to accurately perceive a series of strange events, as shown through the narrator’s language and structure. In the opening…

Ten writers to watch for. No, seriously, watch the hell out for these writers.

Ten writers to watch for. No, seriously, watch the hell out for these writers.

There are writers to watch for, and then there are writers to watch out for. A sampling of the latter, for your safety: 10) Jack Hogue is a great guy, but if you listen to him for more than five minutes, you’ll believe the publishing world, if not the world itself, has come to an…


The Best Short Story I Read in a Lit Mag This Week: “Night Island” by Mary Helen Specht

I’m a believer that some story shapes lend themselves more readily to pieces of different lengths. The shape of Mary Helen Specht’s story, “Night Island” (Prairie Schooner, Winter 2014), is risky and surprising, and might not work as well in a longer story or novel. But it’s what allows her six-hundred-word flash fiction piece to…