Gulliver’s Travels

Aliens in Science Fiction: What’s “Out There” Has Always Reflected What’s “In Here”

Aliens in Science Fiction: What’s “Out There” Has Always Reflected What’s “In Here”

While science fiction has long been obsessed with robots, the genre has an even longer relationship with aliens, who are often far scarier: where they came from, how they think, and what they want are questions to which there is no comforting answer, if there’s an answer at all.

Only A Novelist Will Be Able To Make Sense of This Election

Only A Novelist Will Be Able To Make Sense of This Election

Years from now, the uncertainty and accompanying anxiety many of us have about the current political season may be displaced by different, more complicated emotions. Such perspective is cold comfort to the millions who are fearful of a possible Donald Trump presidency. For four years we have known that 2016 would usher in a new…