Joanna Rakoff

Courage and Craft in Wanting: Women Writing About Desire

Courage and Craft in Wanting: Women Writing About Desire

The contributors to Margot Kahn and Kelly McMasters’s new anthology risk sharing their desires on the page in empowering personal essays that demonstrate astonishing courage, but also craft, making it a collection that reveals the relationship between wanting and body, mind, and heart, but also between wanting and voice.

You’re So Vain, You Probably Think this Post is About You

You’re So Vain, You Probably Think this Post is About You

A friend once asked if I’d based the guinea pig (mentioned, but offstage) in my first novel on his daughter’s imaginary friend (of whom I’d never heard tell). In his defense: they had the same, unusual name. In my defense: ?!@&?#*%? Maybe people want novels to be true. Maybe they want to be in those…