Jorge Luis Borges

The World Will Be Tlön

The World Will Be Tlön

“I recalled Jorge Luis Borges’s ‘Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius’ when trying to make sense of my daughter’s intellectual disability as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Like Orbis Tertius, the DSM seemed to me like a product of a secret society gradually working to shape a reality of their own.”

Reading as Intoxicant, Part II: Ten Books That Are Basically Drugs
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Reading as Intoxicant, Part II: Ten Books That Are Basically Drugs

Don’t do drugs, kids; read books instead. More often than not, they inspire the same chemical rush with less brain trauma. Herein is a list of ten books with intoxicating, stimulatory, or hallucinatory qualities for the literarily psychotropically-inclined. Though no doubt many deserving books would be right at home on this list, these are just…