magical realism

Literary Enemies: Gabriel García Márquez vs. Alejandro Zambra
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Literary Enemies: Gabriel García Márquez vs. Alejandro Zambra

Literary Enemies: Gabriel García Márquez vs. Alejandro Zambra Disclaimer: García Márquez has no enemies but the F.B.I. A few weeks ago I went to a panel at the National Book Festival that featured Alejandro Zambra, a Chilean writer I like a lot.[1] (Yes, I started reading him because of the James Wood piece about him…


The Best Short Story I Read in a Lit Mag This Week: “Dark Season” by Maya Sonenberg

  Over the last few decades, it has become more and more common to find mythical narratives such as fairy tales alongside realist fiction in academic and mainstream literary journals and magazines. More publications have also opened up to stories that blend storytelling elements that previously were dismissed as “genre” into the style du jour,…