
When Dolores Haze Gets a Tumblr: Online “Nymphet” Culture and the Reclaiming of Lolita

When Dolores Haze Gets a Tumblr: Online “Nymphet” Culture and the Reclaiming of Lolita

If we look at the wider socio-political context of Lolita blogs, in which the bodies of young girls are continually claimed, fetishized, vilified, it makes perfect sense that a young girl would relate to a character who has had the same done to her. I know I did. I know I still do.

On Failure: Being a Writer Who Translates and a Translator Who Writes

On Failure: Being a Writer Who Translates and a Translator Who Writes

I spent a large part of last spring working in coffee shops all around the Finger Lakes region with a group of writers. One of them had published several novels; another had just signed with an agent and was making revisions to her novel-in-progress; the others were working on the early stages of different projects….


We moved to Pittsburgh from the Northeast almost two years ago for my husband’s job. I tell people here I’m new to the city, usually as a way of explaining that it’s new to me, that my mental map is hazy and lots of references still slip right past. Before we came to house-hunt two…