Sylvia Plath

The Language From the Far Places: Experiences of Mental Illness in Literature

The Language From the Far Places: Experiences of Mental Illness in Literature

How can one adequately capture experiences that very often undo language itself, that are often so profoundly isolating precisely because they defy our common speech, our tested vocabularies and definitions of human experience? How do we find the right words to map that place?

Preserving Intent: What’s Lost in the Cinematic Translation of Mrs. Dalloway

Preserving Intent: What’s Lost in the Cinematic Translation of Mrs. Dalloway

I like to follow up my reading of a text with its cinematic counterpart. After finishing Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, I rented the DVD of the same name with great anticipation. But after the credits rolled, I was unsatisfied: while the cinematic version of Woolf’s novel provides a touching and well-acted rendering of her vision,…