The Georgia Review


The Best Short Story I Read in a Lit Mag This Week: “Float,” by Reginald McKnight

An encounter with the unexplainable can evoke awe, terror, confusion, denial—a whole spectrum of emotions. In “Float” (The Georgia Review), Reginald McKnight explores how a young narrator deals with encountering the unexplainable in his own home, and what ramifications that has for our society at large.


The Best Short Story I Read in a Lit Mag This Week: “Stamp Fever” by Colette Inez

What constitutes the difference between delusion and imagination? Where does one end and the other begin, or are they related at all? Colette Inez explores these intersections in her story “Stamp Fever” (The Georgia Review), from the perspective of a young boy struggling to overcome family difficulties. Our introduction to the young protagonist comes when he…