world literature

Indigenous Taiwanese Lit: From One Island Comes Global History

Indigenous Taiwanese Lit: From One Island Comes Global History

  The deeper you go into reading indigenous literature the greater your understanding of the human condition. Such is the case with Indigenous Writers of Taiwan: An Anthology of Stories, Essays and Poems. In these contemporary and compelling pieces we see beyond skin color, religion, and geographic location by placing Taiwan at the center of…

Four Intriguing Ideas from Northrop Frye’s Anatomy of Criticism

Four Intriguing Ideas from Northrop Frye’s Anatomy of Criticism

With five new critical studies of Northrop Frye hitting the bookstores this year, 2015 is turning out to be Frye’s year. Frye was one of the 20th century masters of myth criticism: if you’re at all interested in archetypes, the hero’s journey, or the intersection of religion and literature, Frye is the writer for you….