Article Needs Work

“From the McMichael’s”

[from an uncompleted poem]                  From the McMichael’s, Florence. She passed the Silver’s, the Johnson’s. She was walking to Martello and the bus. She was the woman who took care of me, and she was going shopping.      It was that one time in her life, a Saturday, an afternoon. She was alone again. Glen…

from “Timber Line Group”

“This scene illustrates the timber line zone as it occurs in northern latitudes around the world. Here, at midday in December from an altitude of nine thousand feet, we look across a valley in the Ghost River region of Alberta, Canada. High altitudes, low temperatures, and steep slopes make this environment unfavorable for forest plants…

“the total length of”

     the total length of the northern Iowa border      from the middle of                  the Mississippi channel to the middle of      the Big Sioux channel measures 268 miles 98 chains and 23 links or      269 miles 461 yards 4 inches the entrance fee to      Disneyland (package deal) is            $14.15 for each adult      $12.70 for…