
Completeness of Nowhere

The luxury of avoiding the inevitable disappears unharmed. *     *      * the greenness of the night is false to the green of the lawn he said. The thickness of the air is illegitimate if you live in my closet she purred. If you were to travel from this point to anywhere you wouldn’t be here he…


I know you hardly ever leave your room now      & perhaps this letter will remain in the mailbox for months      only to stare out through the grating, white in that shallow black space,      like the moon in the mirror of a one room basement apartment      on a waterfront street; its smooth face like an Indian…


Bless you, gentle Perphenazine and vivacious Amitryptillin! You’re my spring fever and my autumn smelling of campuses. You turn my head as two women would who stopped to stare at me with amazement and delight saying together, where have you been, etc. We belong to each other, darling Triavil, in a ménage à trois! I’m…

Wet Dream

Ocean currents spill dust Underwater canyons extend to African rivers from the Congo and back to the Orange Canyons Ain’t this Atlantis? No this is Walvis Ridge! Under the Atlantic deep troughs and long ridges Moonless Mountains to Hawaiian Deep and Johnson Island north to Musicians Seamounts and Mendocino Fracture The Aleutian Trench borders volcanic…

His Other Life

On Boul Miche Idling at the curb In a rented car, Ready to go. But I have forgotten something! It’s my hat, of course: “Of all things Why would Daddy forget His darling hat?” I leave the motor running, Bolt through the great doors And past the concierge. Horns are blowing Out there where I…

The Elephant

I make an elephant from the little I have. Wood from old furniture holds him up, and I fill him with cotton, silk, and sweetness. Glue keeps his heavy ears in place. His rolled-up trunk is the happiest part of his architecture. But there are also his tusks made of that rare material I cannot…