
Windy Night

The long black whip cracked at the wind. And the handle. . . If I held it in my right hand, my thumb would cross between her breasts and the rest of my fingers would embrace her back and come around to rest on the inside of her right thigh. But now, her arms are…

The Pear Orchard

The pears fall hushed in the grass like fat pigeons. At first spotted careful as goldfish, a delicate bruise soon swallows their contours. On the boughs pears clench into yellow. (We ate slightly rotted pears as children, our tongues finding the sharp line between use & decay. Sometimes against the core, a worm like green…

Theme and Variations

How do you get to scream the world is good and we have only to lose ourselves in its goodness? Ask me in return and together we’ll question every man, woman and child we meet, and won’t it be the Lord’s Prayer if we all get up on our legs and shout out the question…

Christy Brown’s "Down All the Days"

           you the      perceiver then when things come            close                                    far                              i there’s                  no mover with                        action it’s                              all right not                        she      any old                                    dirt                        …

The Tourists

It was not spring but spring seemed on its way That winter’s day that sun and wine had warmed For us, at leisure (one might almost say At peace), although the city’s sidewalks swarmed With people not too different from our own. But whether it was splendour or a slum Through which we walked, we…

Soft, Soft

Soft, soft is my life and America is grand wherein I take off two whole days from work. The difficulty is in how to adjust to returning so that this hurting myself is to be included in my pleasure and the face of America, nose of a Mack truck, eye of a windshield, is not…

In Defense of Pure Sensation

a spoken & orchestrated work for 1 mass and 2 persons set: Any large city. time: After sunset toward the end of any war. action: Uncountable parties are in full swing behind uncountable broken windows. Uncountable people turnon, drink, fornicate, vomit, laugh, whisper, shout and piss where they stand or sit or recline. Above the…

Maumau American Canto

           16.      for Creeley      lexicunt one day fuck will be like love worked out in formu-la-de-dah that spooon that spooon starburst dustn out all over back seat covers. pat boone’s farm. & jimmy just a dream fabian society bandstand america. bennett cerf impanel it. th d a r confess thats how they came (accordn to…