Break Every Rule by Carole Maso
Mary Gordon recommends Break Every Rule, essays by Carole Maso: “An original and compelling exploration of narrative strategies.” (Counterpoint)
Mary Gordon recommends Break Every Rule, essays by Carole Maso: “An original and compelling exploration of narrative strategies.” (Counterpoint)
Coconuts for the Saint A novel by Debra Spark. Faber and Faber, $22.95 cloth. Reviewed by Ann Harleman. Bright, wistful, and brash, Debra Spark’s first novel, Coconuts for the Saint, snares the reader instantly. On the surface it is a mystery story: Who is Sandrofo Cordero Lucero, and what is he hiding? Beneath lies another…
Madeline DeFrees recommends Beethoven and the Birds, poems by Judith Skillman: “Forty-five poems from the author whose first collection, Worship of the Visible Spectrum, won the King County Arts Commission’s Book Award in 1988. The poems celebrate the author’s return to playing the violin after a lapse of nine years. Images drawn from music and…
Breathe Something Nice Stories by Emily Hammond. Univ. of Nevada, $13.00 paper. Reviewed by Fred Leebron. There are no quiet stories in Breathe Something Nice, Emily Hammond’s first collection of fiction. In a series of ambitious evocations, Hammond demonstrates fresh wit and a fine irony. Most remarkable, though, is her willingness to keep opening up…
M. L. Rosenthal recommends Complete Poems, a collection by Kenneth Fearing (National Poetry Foundation): “It’s a special joy to have the work of this wry, sardonic, thoroughly alive Catullus of the American Depression once more in print. (Edward Dahlberg compared him with Corbière-and that was true, too.)”
Philip Levine recommends Believers, stories and a novella by Charles Baxter: “This is a superb collection; the stories are unusually daring and imaginative-‘Time Exposure’ and ‘The Lures for Love’ are two not to be forgotten. The novella ‘Believers’ demonstrates an extraordinary ability to deal with and invoke a past era and to show how sex,…
Robert Boswell recommends Breathe Something Nice, stories by Emily Hammond: “This is an extraordinary collection of stories-beautifully written, artfully crafted, and utterly haunting. It should be required reading in every workshop in the country.” Reviewed in “Bookshelf” on page 229. (Nevada)
Maura Stanton recommends Crazy Woman, a novel by Kate Horsley (Ballantine): “This first novel is an imaginative tour de force. By using the form of a ‘captivity narrative,’ Horsley incorporates surreal events successfully into a realistic narrative. The result is dazzling language and vivid characters.”
Beloved Infidel Poems by Dean Young. Wesleyan University Press, $10.95 paper. Reviewed by Diann Blakely Shoaf. In “The Hive,” as in many other of the very fine poems in Dean Young’s second collection, Beloved Infidel, the slightly cracked and wavy but nonetheless serviceable mirror of contemporary language is held up to our lives, to the…
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