
Say When

             Swingmatism    |     You hear a bird sing, you don’t try to understand.                          Sissle    |     Listen to anything long enough it’ll tell you your life.                            Tiny    |     Pine siskin, dickcissel, longspur, purple finch, lark sparrow, wheatear, winter wren, waterthrush, veery.                Ornithology    |     Bird dream felt like fell from the nest, felt like…

Some Writers in Wartime

What is essential as breath reduced to a squabble about moral parity to hold a brief for the party that orders death. Moral parody: ours is but to cook, serve, clear, speak when spoken to. * We will not swell the glory chorus, slaughter calling to slaughter like lovers possessed. Nor will we turn away….

More than Peace and Cypresses

More than peace and cypresses, emboldened hares at the field’s edge, Father, I love gallantry, tenacity, the sanguine heart before the ledge: the artist questing and failing— the feet of bested Icarus plunging into the sea’s crest— the artist triumphing: a page of fire from the book of heroes. More than light-hooved gazelles, views from…

A Spell to Wake My Brother

We will weave through the labyrinth of headstones to clear the patch of soil where you rest, to plant a tall palm with leaves that know that north sea breeze, to roast a suckling pig. The blood of this pig will mingle with your bones, tickle your limbs, awake the bomba y plena pulse. We…

Abraham and Isaac: II

And Abraham picked up the knife to slay his son I have lived in tents and often, at midday, have I parted the tent-clothes and gone inside with the light of day so blinding my eyes that my wife spoke to me out of darkness, saying, Take this dish, and eat. I have walked among…

The Avalanche

He braked the old green Chevy     on the side of a mountain         somewhere out West and bet my mother he could     start a serious avalanche         by kicking a single rock into another no she said no please don’t Dan     please don’t start an avalanche         please and in the back…