

Among the peopled flowers my legitimate crankiness forced into diaspora, none have been more far-flung than the aster. I do not understand how such star structures are formed. Unlike me, the aster throws rays blazing from white to pink or purple about a disk that is usually yellow. Flower heads of a composite type leave…

The Invention of the Nightwatch

was the often walks            it’s in all the books—psalms, Solomon,                                           the ones with all the pictures of men walking at night.      A legion of staves, and etched onto the leaves,            where here I have witnessed some blind world of the blind beneath a torch held in a sheaf on which sketched, a face,   Says…

The Nature and Causes Of

Adumbrate. Omne animalum               post coitam tristam sunt. Had this boyfriend once recited Latin to me as we walked across the campus to B & E an empty house—some physics major. I thought romantic. As in, the streetcast shadow adumbrates the sleeping wall. A fickle, melancholy, sketchy trait. See more at umbrage. And if I partially…

Wilderness Is Everywhere

Do you have roots? Or do you picture yourself an astronaut inside      a bubble suit. Altitudinous above the troposphere, suspended like candy below     the exosphere. Connected to a stalled, mechanized version of your future self by     a twisting. Gold umbilicus: how sweet to be (simultaneously) the     perpetrator and the crime’s. Sole…

Exit Wound

He wanted a cave. Spoke back to vices out of the alley, where hummers and hearses flashed like a toy gun’s blanks. Coats he lent to children raised by wolves. In a classroom, the uniforms asked him to write his name over and over. Then he auctioned his wife. He wanted a cave they gave…

The Idea for Skate Mouth

The idea for moth came when soliciting the moth. Moth? Is there more than one solitary powder? Moth: contiguous end-time pellets precede the grackle supper ring. The idea for elk came when I felt this elk rejecting me. I looked at him and he looked at me but the sensation was missing. It was as…

The Invention of Incised Glass

As were the others realized rather than invented. Diamonds write on glass. François 1er, 16thc. idly etching women are fickle into the pane as he stood gazing out over the river or on water will this                                       diamond ring engender that which changed it, changèd were                                       for:                                       diamond is to ocean                                       what…

Loved One

You were not gone but asleep through the slideshow, and you were gone the projector pointing skyward, the ceiling quivering with our faces. Are there many sizes of infinity? These are stars, this the black tank, circular glass, a worldless plankton, which are leave, a worldless plankton, which are come. Wake now. O mountains O…


Intense bursts of energy are now emanating from the sun. And     you are lit from within. Like it ain’t no thing. “I am lit from within!” The seconds so     facile to glitter through. But there is only so much a light switch can do for you. Soon the     fog resolves the gold….