Editor's Shelf

Lifelines by Philip Booth

Philip Levine recommends Lifelines, poems by Philip Booth: ” Lifelines is an astonishingly mature work of poetry that represents a life’s work of dedication. The poems trace an adult’s experience in the world from boyhood to old age, largely in the world of New England, and pay tribute to the toughness and decency of ordinary…

Liver by Charles Harper Webb

Maura Stanton recommends Liver, poems by Charles Harper Webb: ” Liver, winner of the Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry, is a book you can read cover to cover with astonishing delight. The poems are witty, imaginative, stylistically sophisticated, and completely accurate about life on a planet crowded with billions of others like you. Buy this…

I Love Dick by Chris Kraus

Fanny Howe recommends I Love Dick, a first novel by Chris Kraus: “A highly charged description of an obsession with an indifferent man named Dick, this unfolds as a brilliant intertextual document-feminist and contemporary in all its anxieties and passions. Important!” (Semiotexte)

If the Tiger by Terry Farish

Andre Dubus recommends If the Tiger, a novel by Terry Farish (Steerforth): “Ms. Farish has written a taut, fast-paced novel about the young daughter of a pilot in the Gulf War and a young woman who is a Cambodian refugee. In New Hampshire and Lowell, Massachusetts, the young women are in flight from the Cambodian…