Editor's Shelf

Velocity by Nancy Krygowski

Gerald Stern recommends Velocity, poems by Nancy Krygowski: “These are courageous poems. The music, the language, which I love, is based on a terrific sense of things, and I don’t know if it is the music or the knowledge which I most admire. This is a wide-eyed, assertive, wild, well-read, street-smart, edgy, loving, suffering, heaven-crazed…

Ultra-Talk by David Kirby

Maxine Kumin recommends Ultra-Talk, essays by David Kirby: “Kirby’s essays leapfrog from remembering Johnny Cash’s ‘Folsom Prison Blues’ while touring Sicily to a piece called ‘Give Me Life Coarse and Rank,’ a disquisition on dithyrambs and more in Whitman. My favorite essay, ‘Shrouded in a Fiery Mist,’ examines the eroticism of Saint Teresa of Avila…