Editor's Shelf

Ladder of Hours by Keith Althaus

Chase Twichell recommends Ladder of Hours, poems by Keith Althaus: “This book contains forty years of poems from a poet whose work has been seriously overlooked. Althaus’s lyrics are spare, without ornamentation, passionate, and intimate. He’s interested in the numinous underlying the ordinary, and gives us frequent surprising and memorable glimpses of it.”(Ausable)

Overtime by Joseph Millar

Madeline DeFrees recommends Overtime, poems by Joseph Millar: “Take a sensibility of remarkable delicacy and precision, immerse it in the abrasive, often violent atmosphere of twentieth-century blue-collar America, and what you get is a chronicle of drink, debt, and divorce: a story not unlike that of Raymond Carver. Joseph Millar’s Overtime includes some of the…

Little Ice Age by Maureen Seaton

Marilyn Hacker recommends Little Ice Age, poems by Maureen Seaton: “There are very few poets of whom I might say, ‘It is inexplicable why this work is not better known, celebrated for all it’s worth.’ Maureen Seaton is a poet like that. Her register is enormous, her verbal daring and wayfaring breathtaking; while the solidity…