Editor's Shelf

Editor’s Shelf

Book Recommendations from Our Advisory Editors Ann Beattie recommends Salt and Pepper Cooking, The Education of an American Chef, by James Haller: “This slim book contains tons of information about coming of age, how one develops, and what part fate, friendship, and luck play in an individual’s life. As well as being humane and downright…

Nobody’s Baby by Leo Litwak

Philip Levine recommends Nobody’s Baby, stories by Leo Litwak: “Leo Litwak, the author of the finest memoir of WWII combat I have read by an American, The Medic, again demonstrates his superb gift for narrative in this astonishing collection of short stories, Nobody’s Baby. His insights into the complex motives of human behavior and the…

Tenney’s Landing

Margot Livesey recommends Tenney’s Landing, stories by Catherine Tudish: “I don’t know quite how Catherine Tudish does it, but somehow in this remarkable collection of linked stories she evokes the people and places of Tenney’s Landing so vividly and completely that every reader will surely want to take up residence in this small Pennsylvania river…

White Lipstick by Geri Digiorno

Al Young recommends White Lipstick, poems by Geri Digiorno: "With these pages—sparsely worded, richly lived—Geri Digiorno reminds us how entangled the delicate roots and tendrils of family and ‘individual’ identity can become. Her lovingly subjective subjects include kin and neighborhood, coming of age, friendship, betrayal, initiation, baptism, masquerade, transformation, sexual discovery and conquest, marriage and…