Editor's Shelf

Broken Ground by Kai Maristed

Margot Livesey recommends Broken Ground, a novel by Kai Maristed: “Maristed brilliantly depicts a woman’s search for her daughter and her past in Germany before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The novel moves gracefully between past and present, personal and political, and is intelligent, absorbing, and suspenseful at every level.” (Shoemaker &…

Search Party by William Matthews

Gerald Stern recommends Search Party, collected poems of William Matthews: “For my money, the new selected of Bill Matthews is a bit too thin considering his extraordinary vision and voice, but it is a magnificent book that the editors Sebastian Matthews and Stanley Plumly have brought out. I think Matthews will take his place as…

A Girl from Zanzibar by Roger King

Madeline DeFrees recommends A Girl from Zanzibar, a novel by Roger King: “London-born novelist Roger King, an immigrant to the U.S. with extensive experience on four continents, writes an absorbing tale of international intrigue in our increasingly globalized world. As an agricultural economist, largely in African countries, King worked for various United Nations agencies during…