

Does the rabbit know the fox has also turned to snow? You don’t raise pigs for milk. Wind pursues what it has blown away. Rain falls gently on the city and its sirens. We’re more water than dust. Every umbrella is a big top. And childhood is a name for a visionary state. If I…

The Death of Eve

On the first day God began splitting things, and time began. The angels gathered in little groups —even though it was forbidden— and said things like: remember when death and life were the same? Remember the language of trees? Remember love before hate became its own thing? God said remembering was just for Sundays but…

Mean/Meant Aubade

If we were to try to keep this even,  or at least find the midpoint  in this argument                                         before anyone gets mean we’d be golden. Let’s say when you said                     maybe we’re not meant to be with just one person                     I had responded with  –  what do you mean by being with someone  –  what…


Much of the earth has been eradicated before.  I’m not going to stay awake and think about that.  Sleep is important. Sleep is essential. Tomorrow        I’ll be groggy and off-balance and there’s the possibility  of falling and breaking a bone. I must not stay awake  and think of the chained, the bombed-out, the starving. …

Linea Nigra

When I look down at my belly, the line there looks back. Straight as a snake measuring its prey. Twice I’ve watched my midline muster stripe and thicken. Become open parenthesis, primed to hold the past tense on display. What kind of magic blooms a scar before the skin ruptures? I continue to find the…


I try not to use a pen that’s too special, writing instead with whatever’s at hand,       in this case a pen from George and Ken’s Collision, where I had my hood repaired.       After paying the deductible, I wasn’t leaving there without a pen, so I slipped this one       into my pocket as…