
Ode to Retinol

You’re kept in capsules on the bathroom counter,  a synthetic strain of vitamin A, sealed for potency. Your purpose is to shield the face from signs of aging. Over-the-counter  lacks the power existing in medical grade—  though too much, over time, can blur the vision,  incite a kind of skin-peeling condition or frail the bones….


Before your birth,                     I marked you as my own, the way I marked                     your mother before hers. Inscribed on every                     cell of every bone, the standard of my family                     never blurs. I coil between the                     makings of your bed and in the small hours                     whisper you awake. I poison every                     sentence in your head and…

Around here

Down at the beach. The lake trying to wash the moon off its back. The moon trying to ride the horse of the lake. Me lighting a candle and sticking it in sand. Another. Making a circle for the wind to burn its fingers on. For the moon to read a flickering elegy to itself….

That Halloween 

We were downing cheap red wine at a bar called Library   Books free for the taking The carafe like a blood-filled IV bag I opened a book on palmistry   Lifelines When my words began to slur you took me  to Mickie-Dee’s   A ghoul was there and the grim reaper   Masks on…

Birthday Poem

It is not my birthday but today I walk by the cold shrubs of my town’s finest lane popping birthday cake jelly beans into my mouth one by one. How spectacular, the way we’ve reduced an event into a little waxen egg! It is speckled like a robin’s egg; pink, blue, yellow, orange. It even…

A Man and a Woman

Translated from the Spanish by Pablo Medina            A man and a woman walk down the street laughing. They make plans. They had a grand time in the hotel where they made love and they laugh, make another date for tomorrow. Life is wonderful. Tomorrow he’ll be laid out in a funeral home one hour…


One father culled talons from an eagle’s claw                      and strung them around our necks.  Another father watched a dogwood tree burn slowly                      through the night. The yellowjacket froze  in the space between our faces, two numb fingers                      brushing the edge of a sharp tack.  You spoke softly—each word blinking hard                      then opening wide its soft…


I’ve got an arrow here. Loving the hand that sent it I the dart revere. —Emily Dickinson If it is attention that condemns me, then attention may absolve me: you pierced me cleanly, the hollow daylight proving I never flinched, a movement which implies anticipation. I held still. I held on to another love. I…