
Watching Television

Amid our many complaints the president heads a new world order      beginning to broadcast. Her skin is never my skin.      It is where we cross over to whatever is in store. Her dream is anchored to the pilings,                  sequences of a goddess talking softly to her boat for a long time. In my…


It is always among sleepers we walk. We walk in their dreams. None of us Knows what he is as he walks In the dream of another. Tell me my name. Your tongue is blurred, honeyed with error. Your sleep's truth murmurs its secret. Tell me your name. Out at the edge, Out in the…

Cuts Buttons Off an Old Sweater

It takes a needle to complete the job—      pick the two choked eyes empty of the thread,      pick out the particles of sweater wool. It takes a dark, thin book to tray the pickings      (they're hard to gather off her skirt, the floor)      and chute them in the trash can;      takes her tea-tin container for…


Gone to seed, ailanthus, the poverty      tree. Take a phrase, then fracture it, the pods' gaudy nectarine shades            ripening to parrots taking flight, all crest and tail feathers.                        A musical idea.                                                      Macaws      scarlet and violet,                                    tangerine as a…

Letter to a Wound

We never had a cabin in the woods. We never had a yard, a dog, a child. We never lived in the same neighborhood. We never ate, half-naked, on a tiled terrace over the vineyards in Languedoc, or drank milkshakes on the toweled front seat of that fifth-hand Chevy pickup truck whose gears required a…