
The Argument

On the way to the village store I drive through a down-draft from the neighbor's chimney. Woodsmoke tumbles from the eaves backlit by sun, reminding me of the fire and sulfur of Grandmother's vengeful God, the one who disapproves of Bermuda shorts for girls, playing cards, strong waters, and adultery. A moment later the smoke…

from Puerto Rico: Hacienda

What I like is when men take a thing— this river, say— and, in the succinctest way, use and transform it: at the fall's head here they have diverted part of the flow: a channel now receives and passes on through its downhill slot all of the directed force that is not there in untaught…

Midnight Postscript

for my friend Joseph Kahn; born 1950, drowned 1982 Walking the floor after midnight I leaf through your pharmacopoeia or a book on stars. How I love the night. It should always be night, and the living with their TVs, vacuum cleaners and giggling inanities silenced. With here and there a window lit a low…

from Puerto Rico: San Juan

Coming here is like returning to Europe. The cathedral, marooned among the parked cars, dates back to Drake who tried and failed to take the place. Cumberland brought a fleet and stormed the handsome fort: plague caught him there, unclosed his grip. Came the Dutch— these walls withstood them: their masonry is still good. Down…