

A small knot of conspirators, six oil drops, livid blues and blush, dabbed into a huddle of boots and cloaks and plumes the size of an unguessed scruple under the balustrade— a detail near the lagoon. So many bridges built over that water which flows forward into the moment flourishing its telltale signature at who's…


Our cock is boiling in a saucepan almost ready to become you and you ask those words into our raft bed Fuck me Please sweetheart Give it to me Please Let me O fuck O your wet cunt sweet Push it in my face Jesus Let me swallow you Take my pussy Suck O Suck…

Play It Slower

Your eyes like a lake on a windy day. They wouldn't stay still. Your mouth like the mountains behind. I wanted to kiss that day, so soft. Your breath came louder and louder. We sailed. You held me. Watched my brown shoulder. We both were afraid. I kept pushing inside you. It began to rain….


Although it stands between the kidnappers and me There's the baby's cry again the third time this long night Although it stands between me and the kidnappers and testifies There the lights are out They're all finally asleep And testifies to what I suppose I must call my freedom I don't like to look on…

After the Prom

We pulled into her driveway, kissed TV-style: no tongues. Oh, twice or so I dumped my tongue against her clenched teeth. No go. She pulled away, curled a loose strand of hair behind her ear and patted it. Then nervously she asked, “At your house when you spill your milk or something, does your mom…

Bo Jangles Visits the Studio

To his own people, Robinson became a modern John Henry who instead of driving steel, laid down iron taps. —from Jazz Dance hip hop ain't no hula hoop backs of legs out front      electric boogie      knock-kneed bird of the Zulu nation           chicken pecking hip hopping out of devastated lots out of Crenshaw Heights and Watts…

Of the Doubleness

(BA-LAM!) “They're coming in from close to 12 o'clock!” (by which was meant not time but running out of time) “Well this is for that Axis stooge and his boss The Scarlet Claw!” (ackackack: gunner fire) “They've blasted me, Captain Miii. . .” (the fading out of a sturdy Midwestern voice) “You're not a goner…

maryland, africa

harriet. araminta ross. tubman. when once was now when i stood a woman red as dust blood sundown calling my ancestors over my dead child when once they scarred my head i took to the woods an iron full of buckshot stole myself back crowned myself a general took a hundred walks to set slaves…