
Landscape With Visionary Blue

Ripsaw whine across the picture dome of day dividing blue from blue: the steady Munch-like scream of Flight 630's engines as we sat there minute after minute on the runway trapped, until I saw my broken body kicked & pitching forward, one more dead American sure he was going someplace else, dumped instead onto the…


He wanted to tell me something He had not told anyone before It might have been anything When he moved through the door He had not told anyone before Unsure of what he wanted to know When he moved through the door And took off all his clothes Unsure of what he wanted to know…

Iron Meteorite

An iron meteorite is on display in Beijing Planetarium. I said: Once a brilliant orb, who left nothing but this remnant, You mishap of an early death caused by impatience. How disciplined your companions are To hold their assigned courses, never moving an inch away. You exchanged humility and trepidation for enduring      peace And have…

Ridge Road

Though my tenancy there ended long ago —when I moved his mistress's pet dwarf orange trees out into the snow— I still live in the closeness of that first summer the deserted comb flowed in the wall and I dodged old honey dripping on my pillow. It tasted saplike, woody, a thick auburn beer. I…

Night Music

She sits on the mountain that is her home and the landscapes slide away. One goes down and then up to the monastery. One drops away to a winnowing ring and a farmhouse where a girl and her mother are hanging the laundry. There's a tiny port in the distance where the shore marries the…

Sonnet for a Singer

I felt restored: smokeless stars, clear quiet, a sprinkling of      months. And then—I'd never heard such a sound as my neighbor Shirley loosed, mourning her mother, wailed toward the faith-proof Beyond which kept her dead parent from spring on earth. My friend cried to stars the yelp of an animal. On a tape I made,…

The Black Puppy Story

Here comes the black puppy with his ears and his snappy tail and his wet eyes. You say here comes the black puppy wanting to come in or to be run over or for his daily ration of beatings, kicks to the ribs, a smack in the nose and he whines, thank you, thank you….