Search Results for: translation

Cover art for As Though She Were Sleeping by Elias Khoury

As Though She Were Sleeping

As Though She Were Sleeping Elias Khoury (translated by Humphrey Davies) MacLehose Press, May 2011 368 pages $23.83 This post was written by M. Lynx Qualey. Translator Humphrey Davies has called Elias Khoury’s 2007 novel, As Though She Were Sleeping, “one of the least linear books ever put down on paper.” The comment seems to…

Photo of the night sky with thousands of stars

Facing Night

What reaches for the sun.  What turns green panes flat to the zenith.  A green order in the bay window, quatrefoil.  Egg-toothed cotyledon. ~ There’s something to know and it can’t be known and I have to know it.  It wakes me up in the morning, shivers me through the day.  My soul fleeth unto…