Author: Nay Saysourinho

Fire Is Not a Country’s Observation of the Apocalypse

Fire Is Not a Country’s Observation of the Apocalypse

The tension between the self and the marketplace is the kindle in Cynthia Dewi Oka’s poetry collection. The book draws much of its power from domestic scenes set against an apocalyptic background; here, social mobility is not merely an aspiration, but a search for safety through a series of unsparing negotiations with the self.

“I think desire is a thing that all feelings revolves around”: An Interview with Souvankham Thammavongsa

“I think desire is a thing that all feelings revolves around”: An Interview with Souvankham Thammavongsa

What all the stories in Thammavongsa’s debut collection, out today, have in common is the stubbornness of desire manifested by the characters, whether it is the desire to defend your parents against mockery, the desire to fit in, the desire for physical intimacy, or the desire to be seen.

The Many Disappearances in Run Me to Earth

The Many Disappearances in Run Me to Earth

In Paul Yoon’s new novel, we become witnesses to the many disappearances that punctuate war-torn lives: of neighbors, memories, motorcycles, colonizers, baskets, friends, body parts, names. Some of these disappearances, however, like new continents emerging from volcanic eruptions, lay the ground for Yoon’s characters’ destinies.