
side by side series of the cover of Sharks in the Time of Saviors

“One of the things I love most about literature is the possibility of inhabiting someone else’s consciousness”: An Interview with Kawai Strong Washburn

From four perspectives, Washburn’s new novel tells the story of a family slipping apart, colliding with the rest of the world, hoping for the fulfillment of their hopes and dreams.

the book cover for Barn 8 featuring a drawing of a chicken's head

“I think historically art and literature have had a role in social and political change”: An Interview with Deb Olin Unferth

Deb Olin Unferth’s latest foray into the socio-political, an action-adventure novel with touches of humor, is built around an anti-big-ag upheaval though rooted in the fragile relationships we cling to in a chaotic, inspiring, and often difficult world.

side by side series of the cover of trans(re)lating house one

“I’m telling these stories for an audience, but I also want to digest this experience for myself”: An Interview with Poupeh Missaghi

Poupeh Missaghi’s debut novel follows a protagonist obsessed with finding out why Tehran’s statues are disappearing. It’s an experimental hybrid work that combines a traditional novel narrative with quotes from theorists and writers, dossier-style notes on people who have been made to disappear after death, and poetry.

book cover for The Reef by Juan Villoro

“We are forgetting what has already happened in Cancún”: An Interview with Juan Villoro

The satirization of the all-inclusive resort, a symbol of international tourism, could only be accomplished in a meaningful way by a titan of Mexican letters like Juan Villoro. Not only does he have the qualifications, but he has a unique capacity to create absurdist characters.