
Woman in a yellow sweatshirt holding up eyeglasses.
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What Happens When We Read: The Mind’s Eye and How it Works

Reading is a cognitive experience and written language can elicit in the brain an array of sensory perceptions. A description of an apple pie once made me put the book down so I could bask in its warm smell. But what the brain does most readily is see. It’s the mind’s “eye” that engages when…

The Humanities Are Not In Crisis:  Two Writers Whose Pens Shape the Arab World

The Humanities Are Not In Crisis: Two Writers Whose Pens Shape the Arab World

I just got back from MLA 2016, the annual Modern Language Association conference in which every year (every city) you’ll hear a variation of this same question at least five times a day: Are the humanities still relevant? That is, of course, the general anxiety that underwrites so many of the incredible panels one encounters…


The Best Short Story I Read in a Lit Mag This Week: “The Matchmaker” by Karen Palmer

In “The Matchmaker” (James Franco Review), Karen Palmer stays tight to her characters’ moment-by-moment experiences, which helps the potentially polarizing events of the story elude simple definitions. What’s revealed is the tragedy of a mental institution unable to adequately serve the population it’s responsible for. In the opening few paragraphs, we discover that the first…

A Recommendation

A Recommendation

Just west of Houston, before you reach Texas’ most remarkable stretch of nothing, there’s a crumbling Latin diner I take my kid brother on Fridays. It is refreshingly un-Yelpable. The family’s owned it forever. They’re almost native in their darkness, and when I order two beers, they’ve pitched us a third by the time we’re…