
Communists and Cassoulet: Julia Child on Dried Herbs, Dull Knives and Joseph McCarthy

Communists and Cassoulet: Julia Child on Dried Herbs, Dull Knives and Joseph McCarthy

If Julia Child and Avis deVoto were here today, they’d be great Facebook friends. Julia and Avis bonded over food—buying it, cooking it and eating it. But since they were without technology, they wrote letters, which Joan Reardon collected into a book titled As Always, Julia: The Letters of Julia Child and Avis DeVoto.

Aliens in Science Fiction: What’s “Out There” Has Always Reflected What’s “In Here”

Aliens in Science Fiction: What’s “Out There” Has Always Reflected What’s “In Here”

While science fiction has long been obsessed with robots, the genre has an even longer relationship with aliens, who are often far scarier: where they came from, how they think, and what they want are questions to which there is no comforting answer, if there’s an answer at all.