
Notes on the State of Virginia: Journey to the Center of an American Document, Queries XVII-XVIII

Notes on the State of Virginia: Journey to the Center of an American Document, Queries XVII-XVIII

Here’s a confession. When I talk about NOTES ON THE STATE OF VIRGINIA, I sometimes refer to Jefferson’s “queries” as “cantos.” Like a poetic canto, which stands or falls on the music of its syllables, Jefferson’s queries must have enough tensile strength to contain his ideas, and space to expand them.

Four Intriguing Ideas from Northrop Frye’s Anatomy of Criticism

Four Intriguing Ideas from Northrop Frye’s Anatomy of Criticism

With five new critical studies of Northrop Frye hitting the bookstores this year, 2015 is turning out to be Frye’s year. Frye was one of the 20th century masters of myth criticism: if you’re at all interested in archetypes, the hero’s journey, or the intersection of religion and literature, Frye is the writer for you….