Ruben Espinoza

The Humanities Are Not In Crisis:  Two Writers Whose Pens Shape the Arab World

The Humanities Are Not In Crisis: Two Writers Whose Pens Shape the Arab World

I just got back from MLA 2016, the annual Modern Language Association conference in which every year (every city) you’ll hear a variation of this same question at least five times a day: Are the humanities still relevant? That is, of course, the general anxiety that underwrites so many of the incredible panels one encounters…

The Paris Attacks And The Shared Humanity Of Central American Poetry

The Paris Attacks And The Shared Humanity Of Central American Poetry

I always get my hair cut when I’m in Mexico City. I have weird hair and a barber who knows how to cut it. He’s the kind of barber that slick-slacks his scissors between snips, between syllables too so that when he talks—about sports, cars, the news, anything—his speech falls from his mouth like a…