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First you were windowed, then windowless. Window-rich, then poor. They did it with such finesse, for a moment you thought to thank them, the way your graceless limbs with a dancer’s grace made art of the artless air. Nothing original here. Think of those two whose flailings shattered sky. Who later praised the benevolent courtyard…

“…’immortality’ may be a silly word, but probably a mathematician has the best chance of whatever it may mean…”

I want to stick a needle in the veins of leaves and extract the chlorophyll. I want to stick needles into the arms of everything and concentrate what I find there. To retreat to the familiars. To the comforts of my neighborhood, where everybody really hates me. Like I’m the bus that passes by, ignoring…

“Former Kenyan Parilament Member Arrested for ‘Imagining the Death’ of President Daniel arap Moi”

—The New York Times, October 1, 1995   I imagine him behind a desk big as a Buick, irked the administration’s blocked his hydroelectric or plastics factory scheme, and the idea, unsummoned, arrives in his mind: the President’s head gone in a cloud of blood. And then the police are there. They smoke his cigarettes…