

When you reach “a certain age,” time begins to accelerate, and you become acutely aware that there’s much less time ahead than behind. And when your older friends start dying, the closer you were to them, the more their deaths seem impossible, a mistake, some stupid oversight—a fatal lapse of attention that resulted in their…

Editor’s Corner

New Works by Our Advisory Editors Alice Hoffman, The Marriage of Opposites, a novel (Simon & Schuster, August 2015) Bill Knott, I Am Flying Into Myself: Selected Poems. Edited by Thomas Lux (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016) Thomas Lux, To the Left of Time, poems (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, April, 2016) Jay Neugeboren, Max Baer and…

Editor’s Shelf

Book Recommendations from Our Advisory Editors Ann Beattie recommends Salt and Pepper Cooking, The Education of an American Chef, by James Haller: “This slim book contains tons of information about coming of age, how one develops, and what part fate, friendship, and luck play in an individual’s life. As well as being humane and downright…


They come jittering into her life from the past, brunette like her mother, wiry and tense, wearing garments black as anthracite chopped from the city’s heart. Complaint rises like music or smoke past the elegant lamps of their faces as they settle their fringe and nail polish onto our secondhand couch: men, mostly, but the…

Iowa, Redux

Nothing was foreshortened but love, those days of the iced-over river and penniless Thursdays— Iowa, where the news finished with the latest on pork bellies. The paper was named the Press-Citizen, a contradiction in terms. We eyed the neighbors with their post-midnight record hop, Led Zeppelin blasting the arm’s-width of the alley. The injuries of…

Something About Ecology

Everybody seems to be pointing things at one another these days. The cop with the radar gun pointed his radar gun at my car and my car pointed back, its rearview mirror, to give the policeman an idea of what hurt looks like even if you do deserve that ticket, going 90 in a school…