
How Music Is Made

for Chris You make it and I wonder about it listening to what you navigate and sound in the midst of the orchestra with your clarinet enchanted—though you may not be—by what’s around, wrapping you in a cloak, complete or torn sometimes embroidered and elaborate, gold-edged while I peer down at you from a box…


What we have is shaped, layered, planned, like the twig of a bending sprout covered with earth so it can grow, the buds predicted by the shoot that we can see and understand, that we can seldom do without, that only we can ever know in all its style, within the root. Some want to…

The Toothache

The toothache drills a hole to the suitcase filled with singed clothes of the woman who died in a crash. Further inside, a shelf I made when I left my first country, plank I put myself on with my wooden doll and wooden dog.


for W.S.Merwin God is in the dogs The one who turns in circles, the one With bloody scabs, the one who wears the huge collar Who stares and stares And tries in spite of it to smell the dirt and grass In the abandonment, torrential muteness My knees loosened, my glassy eyes of crystals warmed…

Poem with a—in It

but, Susie, there’s a great corner still; I fill it with that is gone, I hover round and round it, and call it darling names, and bid it speak to me, and ask it if it’s Susie —Emily Dickinson, letter 85 All I had to do was pull this thread and your stunt double came…


If never was the question. Even then. That when feels closer now might embarrass me before this window, more mirror than I would like at this hour, bathos of years ghosting face, throat, my impatient turning off of the lamp. Now I’m small again, and the world outside mysterious, perfumed, & large. Were I not…


The mule went blind and we were destitute. By day, it kept knocking its skull into trees. We moved to the barn where the mule curled up to us in sleep, its tubular hooves kicking through a dream. It wore a head bandage. My grandfather took on the role of the poet. “Never throw your…