

She volunteered to become ma to me after calling the one who birthed but left me, whore. I became an Every Daughter, chipped myself into an archipelago, skimmed desert sands, daughtered and disappointed the two of them, being born of poison oak, distrusting forgiveness but making no waves. In secret, I redesigned myself as twins—…

Blooms exactly

after Larry Levis   My youth?          I spent it all between the knees of hairbraiders, begging kanekalon to name me a debutante or mistake me foreign. Those knees I matured between   worked weeks at Kween of Kinks   Braid Boutique, which was an old U.S. Cellular, behind which my boyfriend’s Chevrolet vanished under sleet. And…

Light flyweight

I do a summer job, flaunting the “Round 2” sign for the ring. I never wear thongs or wink. The boys swing at musk air all butterfly, but where the hell’s that exalted bee?          All July, police play games involving pepperspray against boys with frigid fathers          but in this ring, no boy is born of any man…


There is no law against evil. You buried your son alone under a lime tree. He was almost a boy but they called him something else, as though you had carried him up a staircase inside you and missed a step. I never knew you with long hair, without your thick history. The light held…

The Unfolding

I let a boy lick my paper skin because he told me I was pretty. I let a man undress me, because he wouldn’t stop kissing me. I left my body at a party, and then I left it again. A secret: sadness has no sound—not crying, just silence, like how at 5:00 a.m. I…

Magical Thinking

There was some connection to be made— your death, the election, the absurd snow— and I charged myself with making it, walking down Court Street after therapy, passing under mantled elms, watching the skaters’ ankles brace against the weight of their careening. In the rink’s center, a girl spun herself into a small torpedo, red…

Anatomy Practical

I am searching for the phrenic nerve when I remember the bad feeling I have about you.   Formalin pricking my nose, an attentive hush pressing all around me. This test is timed, but I look into the body, and I’m lost.   The word itself makes me anxious, sounds frantic, frenetic. Lightning strike climbing…