

Growing up in the beautiful lonesome Cumberland mountains, Nadine Florence might almost as well have had no family at all. She gave herself over to solitary speculation or spent time following the progress of the seasons. On her sixteenth birthday she saw the famous moonbow of the Cumberland Falls. The wooden boardwalk led behind the…

The Figured Wheel

The figured wheel rolls through shopping malls and      prisons, Over farms, small and immense, and the rotten little      downtowns. Covered with symbols, it mills everything alive and grinds The remains of the dead in the cemeteries, in unmarked      graves and oceans. Sluiced by salt water and fresh, by pure and contaminated      rivers, By snow and…


On the second day of Three Mile Island Annie and I drove southwest at sunset to visit her family in Connecticut. The sun was large and red and hazy and it was easy to imagine the sun was angry. Traffic going our way was fairly thick — all heading more or less toward Pennsylvania. Lemmings,…

Those Corridors

           translated by the author and Robert Pinsky I walk those corridors by torchlight Hearing water trickle down onto broken slabs. Deep into the mountain. In niches, busts of my friends, Their eyes are of marble. Only the light and shadow Throw over their faces a brief sour grimace of life. So, further into the…

Jazz From Another Life

Yes, we all have those spots of time, as Wordsworth said, when we see the deeper reality that’s always waiting. For example, I stood beside a red Volkswagen in the rain feeling the wind on my face, as wind is frequently      a conductor of various profound intimations, I saw evergreen trees reflected in the rear…

On The Eating of Mice

     A woman prepared a mouse for her husband’s dinner, roasting it with a blueberry in its mouth.     At table he uses a dentist’s pick and a surgeon’s scalpel, bending over the tiny roastling with a jeweler’s loupe . . .      Twenty years of this: curried mouse, garlic and butter mouse, mouse sauteed in its…